The Marriage Counselor (Vol. 2)
By Mistress IveyPublished by Georgia Ivey Green

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Published: Feb. 18, 2013
Words: 31,930 (approximate)
Language: English
ISBN: 9781301958955
The second in a series that follows the very special methods of a very special marriage counselor named Kathryn and the people she helps overcome their marital problems. Kathryn believes that women should be in control of their men. She uses a BDSM approach to help make it all happen. She teaches couples to except and successfully implement her unique style of marital management. Follow along as Kathryn and Fran handle Jack's masturbation problem. Learn what game Fran works out that Jack must play to earn an orgasm for himself. Find out how previous clients are getting along in their new lifestyle as well. Female Dominance never sounded so fun!
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Chapter 1: Bridge Club
“Two hearts,” said Jane, hoping her partner understood her bid.
“Pass,” said Myra laying her cards on the table face down in front of her.
“I bid... Three, no trump,” Fran said, hoping Jane had what she bid.
“You got it,” said Barb. She picked up her pencil and scribbled the winning bid on the score pad.
Laying down her first card in the center of the table, Fran complained, “You know? I caught Jack jerking off the other day. Apparently he has been doing it a lot and I didn't even know.”
“I think Simon has been doing the same thing,” Barb piped up. “I was looking at his history on the computer the other day, and he has been to a lot of porn sites. But I don't really care. He doesn't bother me for sex, so I just leave him alone.”
Myra laid a card down and announced, “Bert leaves me alone and I leave him alone. I did notice that he has been reading a lot online though. I just never bothered to see what he was reading. Maybe I should.”
“Well, in Jack's case,” Fran said, “apparently he has been doing it at least once a day. It really bothers me. I mean, I like sex. Why isn't he just asking me for it instead of jerking off?”
“I don't know about Jack,” Jane replied, “but I won't ever have that problem with Frank. I took him to that marriage counselor down town.”
“Kathryn's?” Myra interjected.
“Yeah, that's the one,” she replied smiling at Myra. “Anyway, Frank is now my dutiful husband who will do absolutely anything I tell him to. And the sex is great!”
Fran looked at Jane and, in a hushed, serious tone, asked, “Do you think they could do anything about Jack's problem?”
“Oh, I am sure they can!” Jane said emphatically. “I am convinced they can fix just about any problem you have with a man.” She smiled to herself, knowing how Kathryn works. “If you want, I can give you the number and you check them out yourself.”
“That would be great,” Fran replied, “if you really think they can help.”
“Trust me,” Jane said placing her hand on top of Fran's to reassure her. “They can fix Jack's problem with jerking off.”
“Are they really that good,” asked Barb.
“You have no idea,” Jane said looking Barb directly in the eye. “They are that good!”
“That's the game, girls,” Barb announced. “Jane and Fran won this time.”
“I think we should call it a day,” said Myra as she stood up and stretched. “I have to stop by the store and get something to make for Bert's dinner it's after four now.”
“Wow,” Barb added. “I didn't realize it was so late. I better get going, too.” She turned to Jane and said, “Thanks for hosting again this week, Jane. Maybe next week I can host again.”
“No problem,” Jane said, “I kind of like hosting here. I don't have to drive home.”
“I'll stay and help you clean up,” Fran offered. “I want to talk to you about this counseling thing, anyway.”
As Myra and Barb gathered their things, Jane said her good-byes and ushered them out the door. She turned around and said to Fran, “Fran, I know Kathryn can help you because, and don't mention this to anyone, the first thing she does is to put a chastity belt on your husband.”
“Really?” Fran replied in shock. “They really do that?”
“Yep,” Jane replied, “They really do that. She turned Frank into the perfect husband in less than a week.”
“But isn't that a bit drastic?” Fran asked.
“Listen, if you are having any kind of problem with Jack, Kathryn will solve it. She's absolutely wonderful. I wouldn't recommend her if I didn't believe she could help you. You know that.”
“Yeah, it just seems like such a drastic measure,” Fran repeated as she folded another chair. “But if you say it can help, then I guess I could check them out.”
Picking up the glasses from the game table, Jane said, “Just make yourself an appointment and go in and talk with Kathryn. Once you talk to her by yourself, I think you'll understand.”
“You mean I should make an appointment for myself?” Fran asked inquisitively. “Don't Jack and I have to go together?”
“You don't need to worry about Jack,” Jane explained. “If you go by yourself for the first visit, Kathryn and her staff will take care of everything else for you. Just relax. It won't hurt to go talk to her, will it?”
“No,” Fran said thoughtfully. “I guess not.”
“Then it's settled,” Jane confirmed. “Call her right now and make an appointment for yourself. Sometime when Jack will be at work.”
“Okay, if you insist,” Fran relented, taking her cell phone out of her purse. “What's the number?”
Jane gave Fran the number and went into the kitchen to wash the few dishes that she and her friends had used during their card game. She wanted to give Fran the chance to make her appointment in privacy.
A few minutes later, Fran came into the kitchen. “Well,” she began, “I made an appointment for tomorrow afternoon. Are you happy?”
“Yes,” Jane said trying not to sound arrogant. “I am. And you will be, too. I promise. Just you wait and see.”
“I have to admit, Jane,” Fran replied, “I am a bit nervous about this. Even if I like it, how am I ever going to get Jack to go?”
“Trust me, Fran,” Jane reassured her, “everything will be just fine.”
“Well,” said Fran, “I really hope so. Listen, Jane, I really have to get going. Jack will be home soon and he's going to want dinner, so I had better get moving.”
Jane looked around as she rinsed another plate and set in the dishwasher. “I'll see you soon. Just don't worry, everything is going to be just fine. Wait and see.”
“You seem awfully sure of that,” Fran said as she opened the front door. “If it doesn't go well, I'll have to come gunning for you. I'll see you later.” With that, Fran stepped out onto Jane's front porch and gathered herself together before walking the short distance to her car.
All the way home, Fran thought about what Jane had said about Kathryn's Counseling being the right place for her to go. She was particularly intrigued about the fact that Jane said Frank wore a chastity belt. She had never heard of anyone actually using such a device. Hell, she didn't even know they made such things for men. She thought they were something out of the middle ages that men put on their wives when they went off to war. Just to keep them for being raped, or unfaithful... Or something. She had no idea that there was something like that for men. She wondered what they looked like. Her imagination ran wild as she envisioned all sorts of contraptions that might be used to keep a man in chastity.
When Fran arrived home she realized that Jack was already there. When she got into the house she looked for him but he wasn't in the kitchen or the living room. She headed up the stairs to the bedroom area she discovered Jack was in the master bathroom. She started to turn the knob and walk in on him, but she found it locked.
“Jack?” she yelled through the door. “Are you in there?”
“Uh... Yes dear,” Jack responded, but he sounded nervous. “I'll be out in a minute, honey.”
“Are you jerking off again?” Fran asked, certain that he was.
“No! I'm not,” came the reply from the other side of the door. “I'm, uh, just finishing up on the toilet. I'll be right out.”
Fran knew what he was doing. Jack never locked the bathroom door. It must be because she had walked in on him the other day. He wasn't shy about using the toilet any other time. In fact, he usually left the door wide open. That's how he had gotten caught yesterday.
When Jack finally opened the door and stepped out into the bedroom, Fran went in and checked the hamper for evidence. Sure enough, there was a freshly 'soiled' washcloth with what looked like cum on it, laying right on top. She didn't say anything about it. She just figured that she would wait to see what this Kathryn person would advise her to do. But it was all she could do to keep her mouth shut and not confront Jack about it.
The evening passed uneventfully. Fran cooked a simple meal of tacos and nachos. She didn't even want to do that much for Jack, the way she was feeling. She barely even spoke to him that evening and she suspected that he knew why, even though he made no effort to mention it himself.
Later, when Jack had been asleep for about an hour, Fran decided to find his porn stash. She knew, at least some of it had to be in the bathroom, somewhere. She began taking everything out of the linen closet, one shelf at a time. She found nothing there. Then she started with the drawers and cabinets under the sinks. Bingo! She found three porn magazines, featuring large-breasted women, in a small box under Jack's sink.
Now she had the evidence she needed. If this Kathryn's Counseling didn't have a better suggestion, she was going to do something herself. She had no idea what that something was. But she would figure that out later. For now, she simply left the magazines sitting on the counter between the sinks where Jack was sure to see them.
Fran went to bed. It was after one o'clock in the morning and she figured she could sleep in since Jack would, most likely, not want to wake her once he saw the magazines laying out.
~ ~ ~
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