The Marriage Counselor (Vol. 1)
By Mistress IveyPublished by Georgia Ivey Green

Published: Jan. 25, 2013
Words: 29,250 (approximate)
Language: English
ISBN: 9781301736850
The ad read: “Kathryn's Counseling Service. We can save your marriage. Success is guaranteed! Call 555-5432” Even though Jane was skeptical, she decided to give this woman a call. “After all,” she thought, “what could it hurt?” Things had been so bad in her marriage for so long, Jane had almost given up hope of ever getting things back to the way they used to be. Follow Frank and Jane as Mistress Kathryn guides them through a rough patch in their marriage. She guarantees results and teaches them that women can run a marriage.
Here's what one reader had to say: Like searching for a life partner, the search for good erotica demands that you kiss a lot of frogs. Persistence pays off because, every so-often you find a gem like The Marriage Counselor (Vol.1) written by Ivey Green (you may also know her as Mistress Ivey.)
This is Mistress Ivey’s second book but her first published fiction. The book falls within the FemDom, Male Chastity and Female Led Relationship sub-genres and if any of these things float your boat you’re in for a treat.
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ad read:
Counseling Service.
can save your marriage.
is guaranteed!
Even though Jane was
skeptical, she decided to give this woman a call. “After all,”
she thought, “what could it hurt?” Things had been so bad in her
marriage for so long, Jane had almost given up hope of ever getting
things back to the way they used be.
As she dialed the number, Jane wondered just how this marriage counseling service could possibly guarantee success.
She heard the phone on the other end of the line ring five times. Jane was ready to hang up when the ringing suddenly stopped and a voice came through her phone. “Kathryn's Counseling, how may we help you?”
Jane was taken by surprise and stumbled around for the right words. “I... Uh... I don't know if you can.” Jane was suddenly very nervous and she didn't even know why. Maybe it was because she had not even spoken to her husband about marriage counseling. Or maybe it was the thought of having to tell a perfect stranger that her marriage was a failure.
“Ma'am?” It was the voice from the other end of the phone line again. “Ma'am, I am sure we can help you. We have a perfect track record. Whatever your problems are with your marriage, I am sure we can make things better.”
The voice was soothing and confident. It put Jane at ease. “Well,” she began, “my husband is... bored with me and our marriage, and I just don't know what to do about it. He has been bored for a long time according to him. I think he wants a divorce.”
“Yes, Ma'am,” the voice said, “Believe me, we have methods that will turn his life of boredom around and make you the only woman in his life. Would you like to make an appointment?”
“Uh... I don't... Well, I don't think I can get him to go to a marriage counselor.” Tears were welling up in Jane's eyes as she spoke and her voice was trembling.
“You don't have to do that right now,” the voice told her. “Why don't you make yourself an appointment and we will show you our facility. We can explain how we do what we do here. How would that be?”
Jane wiped her eyes with a tissue before answering. “You can do that?” she asked.
“Of course we can,” the voice said. “Most women don't understand exactly how we do what we do here. I think it would be much more reassuring if you could tour our facility. Are you available tomorrow? Say about ten?”
Still not fully recovered, emotionally, Jane answered, “Sure, I... Uh... I guess I could do that. Ten will be fine. My name is Jane Walters”
“Great!” the voice said, “We'll expect you at ten, Jane.”
Jane hung up the phone with a puzzled look on her face. “I just don't understand how they can guarantee success,” she said to herself. “But, what have I got lose?”
Jane was just happy that she didn't have to tell Frank anything about what she had in mind. After all, she knew how he would react the minute she even mentioned seeing a marriage counselor. She had tried to get him to go before, but he would have nothing to do with it. Frank was so against marriage counseling that he had threatened to leave Jane the last time she suggested it. But what difference would that make now? He wanted to leave her anyway. She could tell by his attitude.
As the afternoon began to drag on, Jane was getting more and more nervous about the whole idea of trying to get Frank to agree to go with her. But, at least for now, she didn't have to think about that. After all, she had only made an appointment for herself, and that was just to tour the facility. What bothered her about that was what kind of facility were they talking about? Was it like an institution with patients and all? Or was it more like a resort where couples go to spend a weekend together getting to know each other better?
Jane decided that she would just have to drive over there and see for herself. She thought if she could just see the building, she would be able to tell just exactly what kind of thing she was getting herself into.
She jumped in her car and backed into the street. It was a quiet neighborhood. The kind you see in every town across the country. You could tell by looking at the houses that the people there were not rich folk, but they weren't hurting for money, either. The lawns were all kept neat and mowed. But they weren't very large yards. Most of the houses looked pretty much alike. Except for the occasional ranch style home, everyone had two stories, three to four bed rooms, and many had finished basements as well. Frank had never bothered to finish their basement. It was just one big open space with a staircase in the middle and a laundry area in one corner. There were half a dozen metal poles supporting the center beams for the main floor. But, other than that, it was empty.
No, the people in Jane's neighborhood were not particularly wealthy, but they were all comfortable. At least, until you opened the door. She knew of several neighbors who were having marital problems of their own. She didn't know the neighbors well enough to know just what their problems were, but she often heard them yelling at each other when she took a walk in the evening. Which she often did just to get away from Frank for awhile.
Jane drove into the main part of town and looked for the building that housed Kathryn's Marriage Counseling Service. She was both confused and surprised to see that it was in a rather small building. In fact, there was a dress shop on one side and an optometrist’s office on the other. Kathryn's place was the largest with several darkened windows on either side of the main entrance. It looked normal enough, but Jane couldn't figure out why they kept calling it a “facility.” It looked more like a small office with, perhaps, several counseling offices inside. Kind of like a dentist's office might be.
She drove home even more perplexed than she was when she hung up the phone. “Oh,well,” she thought to herself, “I guess I'll find out tomorrow.” As she pulled into the driveway, she noticed Frank's car in the garage. She decided, then and there, not to say a word to him until after she had toured the place.
Frank was sitting in his favorite recliner reading the evening paper, just as he normally did. There was a bottle of his favorite beer (with maybe two sips gone from it) sitting on the end table next to him. Jane wondered if he was going to have another business meeting tonight. But she decided not to ask. After all, Frank wasn't very nice whenever he spoke to her, so she didn't usually try to start up any conversations.
The first words out of Frank's mouth when Jane greeted him was, “What's for supper?”
Jane had put a roast in the oven to slow-cook before she called Kathryn's. “We are having roast beef, mashed potatoes with gravy and peas,” Jane replied as if there were nothing going on at all. She was doing her best not to say anything that would upset Frank since she wanted him in a good mood tomorrow. That's when she planned to break the news about the marriage counselor to him.
As it turned out, Frank did not have a meeting that night. So he and Jane just sat around the living room reading and watching a little television. After the news, they decided to retire for the night. Even though Jane tried to make sure he noticed that she was wearing his favorite baby-doll nightie, he just didn't seem interested. At least not in having sex. As soon as his head hit the pillow, he turned away from Jane and pretended to fall asleep.
The next morning, when Jane awoke, Frank had already left for the office. Frank was an architect for a major home builder in town. He made a good living, though Jane always thought that he could have done better had he gone with another company that builds office buildings and strip malls instead. He was offered the position, but turned it down because it would have meant a great deal more traveling and Frank hated to fly. It wasn't a fear of flying, it was all the security put in place since Nine-Eleven.
Jane rolled herself out of the bed, threw on her house-coat and dragged herself to the kitchen to make a pot of coffee. While the coffee machine did it's job, Jane went to the bathroom and took care of her morning ritual. She showered, put on some makeup (though she didn't normally wear much), and got herself dressed.
It wasn't until she was sitting at the kitchen table sipping her coffee that she remembered her ten o'clock appointment. Checking the clock on the wall, she realized that she only had fifteen minutes to get there. She took one last gulp of her coffee, grabbed her purse and car keys and headed out the door.
When she arrived, Jane was amazed to find a parking space right in front of the place. She gathered her things, locked the car, and walked to the front door. She took a deep breath before pulling the handle on the glass door to open it. When she stepped inside, she took a moment to look around. It was like any other doctor's office waiting room except that there was no one waiting in it. There was a wall at the back of the room directly opposite the door with an opening behind which sat what she assumed was the receptionist.
As Jane approached the window a nice looking twenty-something blonde asked, “Can I help you?”
“Uh, yes,” Jane replied. “I have an appointment. Jane Walters?” She added, a little unsure she was in the right place.
“Oh, yes,” replied the woman. “You're here for the tour, right?”
“I guess so,” Jane said, letting her uneasiness show a bit.
“Have a seat. Mistress Kathryn will be right with you,” the blonde behind the counter told her.
“Mistress Kathryn?,” Jane thought to herself. “What kind of title was that for a doctor of psychiatry? Shouldn't she be called “Doctor” or something?”
Jane looked around. She chose a seat against the wall where she could see out the window just in case someone she knew went by. She was beginning to feel nervous again. She was just about to leave when a door leading to the back opened and a nice looking woman in her late thirties entered. “Are you Jane?” the woman asked.
“Uh, yes,” Jane replied. “That's me.”
“My name is Kathryn,” the woman said. “If you'll come with me, I'll show you what we do here. I think you are going to be impressed.”
“Yes, Ma'am,” Jane responded. “Are you the Kathryn who owns this place?”
“That's me, I like to give the tours to our new clients, myself,” she said. “I want my clients to have confidence in me and my staff. I think personally showing prospective clients just what we do here is good for business. Besides, I do take a personal interest in all my clients. That's how I achieve such a high rate of success.”
“I was wondering about that,” Jane said as she followed the woman down the short corridor. “Just how do you achieve such a high success rate?” she asked emphasizing the word 'do.'
“You'll see,” Kathryn replied with confidence. “Now, if you will just step into this room, I will be happy to answer all your questions.” With that, Kathryn held the door open for Jane to enter the room.
“This is what we call the Installation Room,” Kathryn explained as the door closed behind them. “This is where it all begins.”
“Installation?” Jane asked inquisitively.
“Yes, dear. It's where we install the chastity belts on the men so we can control them,” Kathryn explained. “Once we control their sexual organs, we can more easily convince them that they need to change their behavior.”
“I see.” Jane did not see, but she didn't want to sound stupid, so she just said she did. “And how do you get the men to agree to wear these chastity belts?”
“Oh, that's no problem,” Kathryn explained. “Once we explain what will happen if they don't wear one, they are usually quite agreeable. You see, we strap them down and threaten to cut their cocks off. That's when they always choose the belt.”
“I can understand that,” Jane acknowledged, “but isn't that a bit drastic?”
“I was kidding, of course,” she said, “we don't always do it that way. Actually,” Kathryn continued, “you will be the one to convince your husband that he should wear it.”
“I don't think I can convince Frank to wear a chastity belt,” Jane said shaking her head.
“Don't worry, I'll help you with that,” Kathryn said reassuringly. “Trust me, he'll wear it.”
“You see, once we have their sexual organs under control,” Kathryn explained, “we can make them do anything we want. All we have to do then is show them the error of their ways, and they will change almost immediately.”
“Immediately?” Jane asked.
“Well, sometimes it takes a few sessions to achieve the desired behavior.” Kathryn continued, “but they all come around eventually. Most of our clients only need one or two sessions to see the light, so to speak.”
“I guess I can see why,” Jane said. “But what if they don't stop doing whatever it is they have been doing to ruin the relationship?”
“Don't worry,” Kathryn answered, “you have lots more to see. It will become clear very soon.” With that, Kathryn led Jane out into the corridor and to an elevator. She pushed the down button and the doors hissed open. “After you,” Kathryn gestured for Jane to step in.
“Where are we going now?” Jane asked.
“To the treatment room,” Kathryn replied with a slight wink of her eye.
When the doors to the elevator opened again, Jane was awe struck. She couldn't believe what she was seeing. She rubbed her eyes as she stepped out of the elevator and looked all around the room again. “What is all this stuff?” she asked in amazement. “It looks like a medieval dungeon.”
“This,” Kathryn said proudly, “is the treatment room. Here, we can treat whatever ails your husband. If he is abusive, cheats on you, treats you badly, doesn't do enough around the house for you, whatever the problem, we can treat it.”
“Oh, my!” exclaimed Jane in amazement. “You have a real dungeon. Isn't this illegal? How do you handle that?”
“It's not illegal. All this equipment is used to treat legitimate ailments. We don't keep them here against their will, or anything.” Kathryn went on to explain, “All our clients agree to whatever treatment we deem is necessary. Besides, their wives all take an active role in rehabilitating their own husbands. That way, she knows just what to do if he slips back into his old ways at home. But don't worry, that very rarely happens.”
“What do you mean that the wives take and active role?” Jane asks with a bit of skepticism.
“Well, we will teach you how to get your husband to do anything you want him to.” Kathryn explained in more detail, “You will both be here together and you will be the one who actually teaches your husband to change his ways. It just wouldn't work any other way. You see,” she continued, “once your husband has agreed to wear the chastity belt, we will hold the key here. If he wants to get it off, he will have to cooperate completely.”
“I am beginning to understand,” Jane said. “By making me the one who teaches him how to behave, he will always behave for me. Either that, or he suffers the consequences. Right?”
“Exactly!” Kathryn had a big grin on her face. “His graduation is when we turn the keys to his chastity belt over to you.”
“So, he doesn't get released?” asked Jane.
“Not unless you release him,” Kathryn said, “and you only need to do that when it suits you.”
“Oh, this is going to be fun! But how do I get him to come here in the first place?” Jane wondered out loud.
“Let us worry about that,” Kathryn said reassuringly. “We will contact him and get him to come in to our office. We will tell you when to be here to start his treatment. We know how to get him to come in. Don't you worry about that. In the mean time, you don't even have to mention a thing about any of this to him.”
“That's a relief,” Jane replied. “I was worried about telling him that we are going to go to a marriage counselor. He hates the idea.”
“He may hate it,” Kathryn said, “but he will do it. We will see to that. Shall we get on with the tour?”
Jane took one more look around the huge room. “All this stuff looks ominous. Don't the men hate their wives for this?”
“Not really,” Kathryn said with a slight smile. “But I thought I would show you some of the equipment we will be using. By the time we are done treating your husband, you will be very familiar with what you will need most.”
“Sounds good,” Jane said with a renewed enthusiasm. “Where do we start?”
“Come this way,” Kathryn said gesturing toward the right side of the huge room.
The first thing they came to was a large wooden table made of very sturdy oak. It had rings mounted at various points around the outside. It also pivoted at the center so that it could be tilted in either direction. That is, head up or head down. Jane was impressed with the table and Kathryn explained that it could be used for many types of treatments. It was sort of a universal exam table.
The next thing on the list was a set of chains hung from the ceiling about three feet apart. These were used to secure a man in a standing position for whipping, teasing, or disciplinary purposes. Jane thought it would be wonderful to see Frank hanging from those chains stark naked.
Next on the tour was the electroshock therapy chair. “This is used to shock a man when he has the wrong reaction to certain sexual stimuli,” Kathryn said. “It's really effective in masturbation deterrent therapy, too.”
There were crosses of various styles, chairs, tables, benches and hooks in the wall. This place had everything. Everything a person could want in order to torture another person. There was even a video screen on one wall that practically filled the entire wall. “What's that for?” Jane asked.
“That's the video screen where we show erotic videos,” explained Kathryn. “It works in conjunction with the electroshock therapy...and a few other things.”
Kathryn even showed Jane several cabinets each filled with floggers, or whips, or paddles. There seemed to be a cabinet for everything you could imagine. There were even a few things she had never seen before.
There were a couple of rooms off the dungeon that each contained a sofa, a bed and a lounge chair. Each room also contained a chair with built-in restraints. Jane wondered what those rooms were used for. “You probably won't be using one of those rooms for your husbands therapy,” Kathryn told her. “Those rooms are for cheaters and homophobes, mostly. Your husband isn't cheating on you, is he?”
“Uh, not that I know of,” Jane replied. “But I suppose he could be.”
“Well, if he is, we will find out for you,” Kathryn said reassuringly. “Everything always comes out in therapy, dear.”
Jane thought about it for a moment and finally decided that if Kathryn guaranteed the results she was looking for, everything was going to be okay.
When the tour was complete, Kathryn took Jane to her office. “Have a seat,” she said, handing some forms to Jane. “You need to fill these out so we can set up your husband's course of treatment.”
Jane took the forms and began filling them out. They were mostly insurance forms and a page of health questions. “How am I supposed to get Frank to come in for treatment?”
“Don't worry about that,” Kathryn reassured her. “We will set it all up and let you know when to be here. You don't have to do a thing unless you want to. Just show up when we tell you to be here.”
“You mean I don't have to convince Frank to come in?” Jane asked doubtingly.
“Oh, we will take care of that,” Kathryn said. “We have our ways of getting reluctant husbands to come in for treatment. Trust me on that.”
“Well, it all sounds so great,” Jane began, “but just how much is all this going to cost?”
Kathryn leaned over and patted Jane's thigh, “Don't you worry about that, either,” she said. “Your insurance should cover most of the costs. I work on a sliding scale. It won't cost you more than you can afford.” She added, but there is one expense the insurance won't cover,” she said. “That's the cost of the chastity device. It's $200 and you can pay that at the front desk on your way out.”
Once Jane had finished filling out the forms, Kathryn told her that they would be in touch with her when everything had been set up. She escorted Jane to the door and reassured her that everything would be just fine. Jane walked up to the woman at the reception window and paid for the chastity device.
Jane's mind was reeling from all she had just seen. However, she was now confident that whatever therapy Kathryn and her staff came up with would surely work and that Frank would end up being a much better husband than ever before. As she pulled into her driveway, Jane couldn't help but smile to herself as she thought about Frank wearing a chastity belt, possibly for the rest of his life. It made her happy. A feeling she had not had in years.
The rest of the day went like any other, except that Jane seemed to be in a particularly good mood. She and Frank ate dinner in front of the TV and when the news was over, they retired for the evening. Jane could hardly contain herself, but managed not to say a word to Frank about what she had done and seen that day. They both fell asleep, backs turned toward each other, just as they did any other night. To Frank, it was any other night. To Jane, it was a night filled with hopes and dreams of what was to come.
I don't hate it, like it or love it. The first thing that comes to mind is believability. While you're giving your backstory earlier in chapter, I found it odd that you would put in the part about the basements. How would she KNOW that these houses had finished basements? Does she have x-ray vision? I knew where she was leading to but it needs to be phrased better, more plausibly.
ReplyDeleteThen the other lack of believably is how she just is launched into this femdom mentality and totally buys into it with nary a background into the thinking behind it.
Needs work to be believable.
Thanks for the comment. I think you misread something concerning the basements. I am not sure who you are referring to that might have X-ray vision. I don't believe anyone assumed the houses in the neighborhood all had finished basements. Sorry. I would like to address your issue more clearly, but I just don't know to what you are referring.