Starting in January, my books will be available on "Scribd"!
Scribd is an eBook reading service along the same lines as Netflix and Hulu for movies and TV. Scribd charges a small monthly subscription fee ($8.99 currently) for their service. For that small fee you can read all the eBooks your heart desires. For example, you can read New york Times best sellers, or any of thousands of other eBooks on the market, the very same eBooks you get at your favorite eBook store! But you don't have to buy them and you can still read them any time you want.
There is a Scribd app for Apple(R) devices and another for Android(R) devices as well. So you can take your eBooks anywhere without having to copy them to each device. Just think, you can read all my books without having to purchase any of them! Scribd is a great deal for those of you who do a lot of reading. Scribd is not a new service, they have been around since 2007 and have built up a huge membership. That means their pricing policy is working and you won't have to worry about them going out of business on you.
Give Scribd a try, and don't forget to look for ALL my eBooks on Scribd starting in January.
December 21, 2013
December 2, 2013
Name My New Character
In my next
volume of 'The Marriage Counselor' I am introducing a new
character. A private detective whose methods of gathering information
are probably not the best. He gets himself into trouble more, often
than not, while on a case. He fancies himself a great detective like
Philip Marlowe, Sam Spade, Charlie Chan or any of a number of other
famous detectives. However, he seems more like Inspector Clouseau.
with tongue planted firmly in cheek, I hope to make this guy a fun
read for those who enjoy a little bit of humor mixed with their
mystery. I hope you will enjoy reading about his escapades as much as
I hope to writing them. If all goes well, our newest hero may get a
series of his own.
In fact, I
would like your help in naming this new character. Use the comments
area to post your choice or vote for your favorite. Please don't use
any names that already exist. I need something fresh in the Sam
Spade, Philip Marlowe genre. If I choose your entry, I will give you
free copies all books in which he appears, so don't post as
'anonymous' I won't know who you are.
Look for
this new character in my next book 'The Marriage Counselor –
Vol. 4' on or before the first
of the year, and in his own upcoming series.
November 23, 2013
A Call For Reviews
![]() |
Give it one to five stars |
Many of my readers write me or send me
emails telling me just how much they enjoyed this book or that book,
but so few ever write reviews. I am calling for those of you who have
read any of my books to go back to where you bought it and write a
short review. I don't care if you hated the book for some reason,
write a review and tell others about you experience. Reviews help
other folks to decide whether or not to purchase a book. Any book.
Even the bad reviews are welcome because that usually lets me know
what I did wrong or what I need to improve upon in my next book.
The same goes for any book you read.
The author needs your input, even if you didn't like it. You have
probably read a review or two of a book you were thinking of
purchasing. It helped you decide whether to buy it or not. So why not
write one for the next person who is thinking about buying that same
book? Tell them what you think of it and make it easier for them to
November 14, 2013
My Next Project
I think it's about time I got back to my fiction writing. I am extremely behind on 'The Marriage Counselor' series. In fact, I am half way through Volume IV, but I should be done with the entire series by now. I doubt I will get much done during this holiday season, but I am going to try. For those of you who have been reading 'The Marriage Counselor' series, I think you will enjoy the unexpected turn of events that take place in the next couple of volumes.
I am also planning a couple more erotic books for the future. I don't have anything definite on paper as of yet, but I hope to soon. I will keep you updated as things progress. Feel free to make a comment if you have any special requests or ideas that you would like to see incorporated in one of my future erotic books. I always enjoy hearing from my readers.
If there is a particular subject you would like to see in my books, or something you read that really turned you on and you would like me to include something similar, please, tell me about it. I can't "copy" anything, obviously, but if you can give me the subject matter, or a brief description of a scene you would like to read, I may be able to incorporate it.
I am also planning a couple more erotic books for the future. I don't have anything definite on paper as of yet, but I hope to soon. I will keep you updated as things progress. Feel free to make a comment if you have any special requests or ideas that you would like to see incorporated in one of my future erotic books. I always enjoy hearing from my readers.
If there is a particular subject you would like to see in my books, or something you read that really turned you on and you would like me to include something similar, please, tell me about it. I can't "copy" anything, obviously, but if you can give me the subject matter, or a brief description of a scene you would like to read, I may be able to incorporate it.
October 29, 2013
A KeyHolder's Handbook
A KeyHolder's Handbook
By Georgia Ivey GreenRating: Not yet rated.
Published: Nov. 15, 2013
Words: 41,200 (approximate)
Language: American English
ISBN: 9781310522307
Description A complete guide to male chastity. If you are new to male chastity or have been practicing it for years, this book will guide you to a happier sex life. Everything you ever wanted to know about how to sexually tease and torment your partner. How to talk “dirty” to him. What to say, when and how to say it, even if you are shy or embarrassed. Keeping him aroused when he is away. It's all here.
Has your partner been pushing you to lock his manhood up in a chastity device? Are you afraid you won't live up to his expectations? Are you too shy, embarrassed, or uncomfortable talking “dirty” to him in bed (or any other time)? Being a KeyHolder should not be terrifying for any woman. Armed with the information in this handbook, you can become an expert at playing the chastity game. Once you know how to play, he won't stand a chance. This guide will make it easy for any woman to become a KeyHolder for her partner, or any other man, for that matter.
Where to buy:
Smashwords (all ebook versions)
October 27, 2013
New Book On the Way!
don't anticipate any problems with the eBook versions, but the print
version is giving me all sorts of headaches. I am still waiting for
Smashwords to approve the eBook version for their Premium Catalog. As
I said, I don't anticipate any problems, but if there are any, they
can be easily fixed.
print version, however, is another story. I have uploaded the file
several times, but each time there have been problems when it is
converted to their program. Problems that don't make sense. I am
attempting a whole new approach which I hope will be successful. Wish
me luck. I want the print version to go on sale on or before the
eBook does. That's scheduled for Nov. 15th
of this year.
yes, that is the final cover. I know it's a bit different than what I
had shown you before, but I really like it. It doesn't have my name
as prominently displayed.
for all your support and encouragement!
October 21, 2013
AKHH Ready for Proofing
Well, I finally finished my new book!
Hurray! A Key-Holder's Handbook is now in the proofing stage.
You can expect that to take another month, most likely. However,
hopefully you will be able to pre-order it from several of the major
ebook sellers, Apple, Barns & Noble and SmashWords, of course. I
am told that Amazon will NOT be participating in the pre-order
program, so if you want a Kindle®
version you will either have to wait for the official release, or
pre-order your copy from
those of you who are not familiar with SmashWords, they are my
distributor. Once you buy an ebook from, you can
download any version (or all the versions) you like at any time. So
you can put that ebook on your PC, your Kindle, your tablet, and your
iphone all for that one price. You can't do that at Amazon.
for sounding like a salesman. It's just that I think
is a really great place to purchase your ebooks. That was a major
factor in choosing a distributor when I first started writing.
Infact, if you are thinking of writing a book yourself, I highly
recommend that you give a look before you settle on a
October 17, 2013
Small Preview
As promised, here is a small sample of what you can expect from my next book "A Key-Holder's Handbook." This is a part of chapter 15, just in case you were wondering...
Let me give you a list of some simple text messages you could send your chaste male anytime he is not with you. If he went to the hardware store to pick up a new power tool, or the grocery store to get something you need, or even if you are both at the same variety store and find yourselves separated by several aisles, you can text him. Even if he is at home and you are out. So here are a few things you could say in your texts depending on your personal situation.(Listed in no particular order.)“I want to feel your tongue between my thighs.”“How would you like to squeeze my breasts right now?”“My nipples just got hard thinking about tonight.”“Imagine my hand fondling your balls right now.”“I wish I had put a plug in your ass.”“I am masturbating right now.”“I bet you would love to feel my mouth around your cock.”“Would you like to rub my bottom?”“Would you like me to rub your bottom?”“I wish I could put my hands down your pants.”“Want to suckle my breasts?”“I want to use my strap-on on you.”“Should I get a larger dildo for my strap-on?”“Put that new plug in your butt before I get home.”“I put a plug in your briefcase. Insert it before you leave work.”“If I put whipped cream on my body, would you lick it off?”“I want to lick your cock until you cum.”“I want to ride you for an hour!”“Hurry home if you want to bathe me.”“I want you to rub oil all over me.”Of course, you can get a lot more graphic than I did here, but I think you get the picture. You could even save a few of your favorites and send them whenever you get the chance. It doesn't matter where you are or what you are doing, you can have fun teasing your poor little chaste partner.
Mistress Ivey
October 11, 2013
The New Book
As many of you know, I have been working weekends (and spare time) on a new book entitled "A Key-Holder's Handbook" that I hope will answer many of the questions about chastity and tease and denial that I get on an almost daily basis. So far I have written over 26,000 words and I have four chapters to go. I promised to give you a sneak peak. Well, here is the first draft of the Introduction. I hope you like it. (Yes, that's the final draft of the cover.)
What is a “Key-Holder” and why would I want to be one? These are questions you are probably asking yourself right now. Chances are, you didn't buy this book for yourself. Your husband, boyfriend, lover, or whatever, bought it for you in hopes that you would read it and then lock him in a chastity device and tease the hell out of him.The truth is, women have been using sex to control men for ages. What they didn't know was that their partners secretly loved it. Yes, men love being controlled and coerced with sex. If they didn't, why would it be so easy to convince them to do just about anything we want them to do when we use sex to get it?There are many men out there who openly want to be controlled by a woman. If his wife won't do it, he may seek someone else to fill the position. For many years, men of means have secretly turned to a professional Dominatrix when the pressure of everyday life (or even just work) got to be too much for them. Maybe they tried having an affair and discovered that it just wasn't enough. But with todays more openly sexual atmosphere and liberal attitudes, men are coming out of their shells and begging their partners to take control of the them, sexually, at least.I have received many letters and emails from men and women alike asking for a more in-depth book explaining what they can do to tease their men sexually. So I decided to write this book. In it you will find specific things you can do to tease and control your partner sexually. You know that is what he wants or you would not be reading this. But just because he may have requested you read this and/or take control of him and his orgasms, doesn't mean that you should look upon this as a chore. In fact, I recommend that you look at it as a chance to get more enjoyment out of the sexual side of your life and not something you have to do in order to keep your partner happy.Don't think that you need to run out and spend a large sum of money on a chastity device either. In fact, you may not need one at all. Many couples enjoy a chastity lifestyle without using a chastity device. So whether you choose to use a device or not, you can still benefit greatly from applying the basic principles, and techniques I will teach you in this book. All I ask is that you use the information to improve your own sexual satisfaction and stop looking at it as a chore. Think of it more as a game. If you enjoy playing games, this will surely be one of your favorites.
Georgia Ivey Green
October 6, 2013
Cover Art Again
I thank everyone who voted on the cover art yesterday. However, I now have a third possibility To add to the running. My husband came up with this one when he discovered the photo used on it. I didn't like the photo, but I kind of like the cover. So, if you would all be so kind as to place your votes again, it would be much appreciated. There are now THREE (3) choices. If you click on one you will get a larger view of it.
Thank you for your participation.Sorry about the false start. But I really thought you see all three before a final decision was made.
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Cover 1 |
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Cover 2 |
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Cover #3a |
October 1, 2013
Good Progress
I am making pretty good progress on the new book. I am calling it
(for now) “A Key-Holder's Handbook” with a secondary title
of “How To Sexually Tease Your Man.”
I have written five chapters so far (unedited) containing
approximately 12,500 words. Of course I have a great deal yet to
write and I don't know, yet, just how many chapters I will need.
I am working on it during my weekends so I can keep my week time for TMC4. I hope to have both ready before Thanksgiving (Nov. 28th, I think). The Key-Holder's Handbook seems to be flowing quite easily while TMC4 is giving me a little trouble. But I will get there. Thank goodness I don't have any publishers breathing down my neck. That's the beauty of Smashwords! They don't care when I get it done. But I know many of you are anxious for both books.
The TMC series should be complete some time next year. Exactly when, I don't know. Part of it depends on whether I do six or seven books in the series. However, I can promise you some surprises in coming volumes, especially in the last book of the series. I hope you like them
I am working on it during my weekends so I can keep my week time for TMC4. I hope to have both ready before Thanksgiving (Nov. 28th, I think). The Key-Holder's Handbook seems to be flowing quite easily while TMC4 is giving me a little trouble. But I will get there. Thank goodness I don't have any publishers breathing down my neck. That's the beauty of Smashwords! They don't care when I get it done. But I know many of you are anxious for both books.
The TMC series should be complete some time next year. Exactly when, I don't know. Part of it depends on whether I do six or seven books in the series. However, I can promise you some surprises in coming volumes, especially in the last book of the series. I hope you like them
September 28, 2013
I Get The Point
In case you were not aware, I posted a poll on “Becoming AMistress” in which I asked my readers to choose what book I should
write next. I gave the poll until the end of October so that everyone
would have a chance to vote. I will leave the poll up until then, but
I get the point.
With only about 150 votes, it seems obvious what I am going to have to write next. With 63% of the votes (so far) going for “How To Sexually Tease A Man” how could I not? So I have begun work on it. I am calling it “A Key-Holder's Handbook” and it will contain very specific instructions for women who want to tease their chastity boy(s). Of course there will be information for those of you who choose not use a chastity device, but still want good information on how best to tease your guy.
I am including some of my best techniques and it will describe them in detail. I really shouldn't be giving all my secrets away like this, but what am I to do? My fans have spoken. So I hope you will enjoy it as much as you seemed to enjoy “How To Set Up An FLR.”
Watch this space for updates as the book progresses. I may even post snippets from the draft as I go. Thanks for voting.
With only about 150 votes, it seems obvious what I am going to have to write next. With 63% of the votes (so far) going for “How To Sexually Tease A Man” how could I not? So I have begun work on it. I am calling it “A Key-Holder's Handbook” and it will contain very specific instructions for women who want to tease their chastity boy(s). Of course there will be information for those of you who choose not use a chastity device, but still want good information on how best to tease your guy.
I am including some of my best techniques and it will describe them in detail. I really shouldn't be giving all my secrets away like this, but what am I to do? My fans have spoken. So I hope you will enjoy it as much as you seemed to enjoy “How To Set Up An FLR.”
Watch this space for updates as the book progresses. I may even post snippets from the draft as I go. Thanks for voting.
September 21, 2013
TMC-4 Back In The Works
Yes, it has taken me a VERY long time to get anywhere with TMC4, but I am finally making progress. After totally re-writing the first four chapters, three times, and having to deal with my illness more than I wanted, I am finally making progress. Chapter five is coming along nicely and I have the rest of the book well planned out.
I don't know why I have had so much trouble with this particular volume, but I think things are moving along great now. Perhaps I will be able to finish the book and get it on the e-shelves by Thanksgiving. Just don't hold your breath on that.
I will post a notice here when it goes on sale prior to its release. Sorry, but Amazon will not be taking part in the pre-release sale. But Smashwords, Apple, Barns & Noble, and all the others will be participating (as far as I know).
I will also post a few previews of different parts as time goes on. And you will be able to read the first chapter before it is released for sale. Promise!
I don't know why I have had so much trouble with this particular volume, but I think things are moving along great now. Perhaps I will be able to finish the book and get it on the e-shelves by Thanksgiving. Just don't hold your breath on that.
I will post a notice here when it goes on sale prior to its release. Sorry, but Amazon will not be taking part in the pre-release sale. But Smashwords, Apple, Barns & Noble, and all the others will be participating (as far as I know).
I will also post a few previews of different parts as time goes on. And you will be able to read the first chapter before it is released for sale. Promise!
September 18, 2013
About Me
I don't consider myself to be an authority on anything. What I am, is an enthusiast! I continually research everything I can find on the subjects of female led relationships, BDSM, fantasies, and anything else I think might be relevant. Feel free to share anything on this website on any of the social networks you like. The more readers and fans I have the more encouraged I am to write. I have some surprising Mistress Ivey erotic books awaiting my attention. I have lots of ideas and can always use more. So don't be afraid to comment on anything you like, or don't like, on this website. In fact, I encourage you to express your opinions here.
I built this blog for my fans and those new to my books. I plan to make periodic updates here and let you know the latest about what is going on. You'll get advance notice of upcoming books before they go on sale. You'll get first chapter previews and lots of other good stuff. So check back often to keep up with the latest. And don't forget to share with your friends.
Most of the places you can purchase my eBooks offer free updates whenever I make a change or simply correct minor errors. But at Smashwords, you can download any or all versions such as ePub (Apple iPad/iBooks, Nook, Sony Reader, Kobo, and most e-reading apps including Stanza, Aldiko, Adobe Digital Editions, others), Kindle (.mobi for Kindle devices and Kindle apps), PDF (good for reading on PC, or for home printing), RTF (readable on most word processors), LRF (Use only for older model Sony Readers that don't support .epub), Palm Doc (PDB) (for Palm reading devices), Plain Text (flexible, but lacks much formatting), for one low price. One purchase and you can put it on all your devices. I highly recommend joining Smashwords so you can get in on all the great deals from other authors as well.
Thanks for reading this.
Georgia Ivey Green (GIG)
(Mistress Ivey)
I built this blog for my fans and those new to my books. I plan to make periodic updates here and let you know the latest about what is going on. You'll get advance notice of upcoming books before they go on sale. You'll get first chapter previews and lots of other good stuff. So check back often to keep up with the latest. And don't forget to share with your friends.
Most of the places you can purchase my eBooks offer free updates whenever I make a change or simply correct minor errors. But at Smashwords, you can download any or all versions such as ePub (Apple iPad/iBooks, Nook, Sony Reader, Kobo, and most e-reading apps including Stanza, Aldiko, Adobe Digital Editions, others), Kindle (.mobi for Kindle devices and Kindle apps), PDF (good for reading on PC, or for home printing), RTF (readable on most word processors), LRF (Use only for older model Sony Readers that don't support .epub), Palm Doc (PDB) (for Palm reading devices), Plain Text (flexible, but lacks much formatting), for one low price. One purchase and you can put it on all your devices. I highly recommend joining Smashwords so you can get in on all the great deals from other authors as well.
Thanks for reading this.
Georgia Ivey Green (GIG)
(Mistress Ivey)
The Marriage Counselor Vol. 3
The Marriage Counselor (Vol. 3)
By Mistress IveyPublished by Georgia Ivey Green
Rating: Not yet rated.
Published: March 25, 2013
Words: 33,870 (approximate)
Language: English
ISBN: 9781301718146
In this volume, we learn a little more about Mistress Kathryn and her background when things finally coming to a head between James and Briana. Brie is fed up with all of James' humiliating jokes and put-downs. When Fran and Jane convince her to give Kathryn a try, Brie turns into an entirely different woman, taking charge of James with a plan to get even for years of humiliating abuse. In this 3rd book in the series we see some interesting developments as Brie learns to humiliate her husband through cross-dressing, prostate milking, and few other ideas of her own. Fran holds her first ever dungeon party for her friends and James plays the maid.
Where to buy:
(Not available in Paperback)
Smashwords (ebook)
Amazon (Kindle)
Barns & Noble (Nook)
Apple iBooks (iPad, iPod, iPhone, etc.)
The Marriage Counselor Vol. 2
The Marriage Counselor (Vol. 2)
By Mistress IveyPublished by Georgia Ivey Green

(5.00 based on 2 reviews)
Published: Feb. 18, 2013
Words: 31,930 (approximate)
Language: English
ISBN: 9781301958955
The second in a series that follows the very special methods of a very special marriage counselor named Kathryn and the people she helps overcome their marital problems. Kathryn believes that women should be in control of their men. She uses a BDSM approach to help make it all happen. She teaches couples to except and successfully implement her unique style of marital management. Follow along as Kathryn and Fran handle Jack's masturbation problem. Learn what game Fran works out that Jack must play to earn an orgasm for himself. Find out how previous clients are getting along in their new lifestyle as well. Female Dominance never sounded so fun!
Where to buy:
(Not available in Paperback)
Smashwords (ebook)
Amazon (Kindle)
Barns & Noble (Nook)
Apple iBooks (iPad, iPod, iPhone, etc.)
The Marriage Counselor Vol. 1
The Marriage Counselor (Vol. 1)
By Mistress IveyPublished by Georgia Ivey Green

Published: Jan. 25, 2013
Words: 29,250 (approximate)
Language: English
ISBN: 9781301736850
The ad read: “Kathryn's Counseling Service. We can save your marriage. Success is guaranteed! Call 555-5432” Even though Jane was skeptical, she decided to give this woman a call. “After all,” she thought, “what could it hurt?” Things had been so bad in her marriage for so long, Jane had almost given up hope of ever getting things back to the way they used to be. Follow Frank and Jane as Mistress Kathryn guides them through a rough patch in their marriage. She guarantees results and teaches them that women can run a marriage.
Here's what one reader had to say: Like searching for a life partner, the search for good erotica demands that you kiss a lot of frogs. Persistence pays off because, every so-often you find a gem like The Marriage Counselor (Vol.1) written by Ivey Green (you may also know her as Mistress Ivey.)
This is Mistress Ivey’s second book but her first published fiction. The book falls within the FemDom, Male Chastity and Female Led Relationship sub-genres and if any of these things float your boat you’re in for a treat.
Where to buy:
(Not available in Paperback)
Smashwords (ebook)
Amazon (Kindle)
Barns & Noble (Nook)
Apple iBooks (iPad, iPod, iPhone, etc.)
Taking Back Your Marriage
Taking Back Your Marriage
By Georgia Ivey GreenRating: Not yet rated.
Published: Dec. 01, 2012
Words: 26,400 (approximate)
Language: English
ISBN: 9781301940486
This book will show the average woman how to get her husband to be more loving, more romantic, more attentive, more helpful, and even be a better role model for their children. It will show her how to take back her marriage and make the most out of it. A Female Led Relationship (FLR) might just be the answer to all your marriage problems. If you are already in a female led relationship, might want to read this book to get some tips on discipline, tease and denial, male chastity, and more. Get ideas on daily teasing, games you can play, how to get to his deepest, darkest fantasies. You'll find lots of great ideas you may have not have heard anywhere else.
Where to buy:
Paperback Version
Autographed Version (US Only)
Smashwords (ebook)
Amazon (Kindle & Paperback)
Barns & Noble (Nook & paperback)
Apple iBooks (iPad, iPod, iPhone, etc.)
How To Set Up An FLR
How To Set Up An FLR
By Georgia Ivey Green

(5.00 based on 2 reviews)
Published: Feb. 04, 2013
Words: 41,170 (approximate)
Language: English
ISBN: 9781301374991

(5.00 based on 2 reviews)
Published: Feb. 04, 2013
Words: 41,170 (approximate)
Language: English
ISBN: 9781301374991
This book is meant to
be a definitive guide to Female Led Relationships. If you are
interested in starting an FLR this book will help. Though there is no
objectionable language used in the writing of this book, it does deal
explicitly with various aspects of sexuality including, but not limited
to, BDSM. If you have ever thought about trying an FLR, or have tried
and failed, you need this book.
It will show both men and women how to approach your partner, how to create an agreement, how to take control, how to maintain control and how to avoid major pitfalls of any relationship, FLR or not, and even have some fun doing it. It will help you overcome fears and guilt of being in charge. Whether you are married, living together, or just dating, the information in this book can help you determine what type of relationship suits you best. Whether that happens to be male or female led, makes no difference. The principles are the same.
You will find, chastity, rewards, punishment & discipline, CBT, milking, fantasies, Cross-dressing, humiliation, bi-sexuality, cuckolding, games you can play, and much more all in this one, concise guide. If you have ever been curious about exactly what an FLR is or what it can do for your relationship, you owe it to yourself, and your partner, to read this book.
It will show both men and women how to approach your partner, how to create an agreement, how to take control, how to maintain control and how to avoid major pitfalls of any relationship, FLR or not, and even have some fun doing it. It will help you overcome fears and guilt of being in charge. Whether you are married, living together, or just dating, the information in this book can help you determine what type of relationship suits you best. Whether that happens to be male or female led, makes no difference. The principles are the same.
You will find, chastity, rewards, punishment & discipline, CBT, milking, fantasies, Cross-dressing, humiliation, bi-sexuality, cuckolding, games you can play, and much more all in this one, concise guide. If you have ever been curious about exactly what an FLR is or what it can do for your relationship, you owe it to yourself, and your partner, to read this book.
Where to buy:
Smashwords (all ebook versions)
Amazon (Kindle & Paperback)
Barns & Noble (Nook version)
Apple iBooks (iPad, iPod, iPhone, etc.)
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